Sunday, August 24, 2008


I went to Roots last night after my dad's birthday dinner. It was the smallest turnout I've ever seen. Not including Damon, Liz and myself, there were at most only two people in the room at any point. So I basically spent the night hanging out with Damon and Liz, and I got some awesome feedback on my dancing. Here's what I need to work on:

-Think more athletic, less dancing. I need to be more into the ground, bend my knees more. I'm sure it will help my follow, but it's also an aesthetic thing.
-Don't whip through my turns. I think this is a leftover of my ballet training. I don't spot any more, but I need to make my turns consistent.
-RELAX! This is my constant problem. It's slowly getting better, but I have so much tension, and it's hard not to let that affect my follow.

Yay for feedback!

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